Sunday, June 15, 2008

Oh My - Maison Midi

We had a wonderful night out on the town to celebrate my Honey's birthday this week. We stayed at a fancy hotel and ate out 2 meals in a row. It was a blast! Part of the fun, was that I got to go shopping for like 30 minutes, free of anyone except myself. I found this cool store, Maison Midi. It's part of American Rag. Way back in the day, like 20 years ago, American Rag was the coolest store. I drove all the way to LA to get there to look at the wonderful vintage clothes. I was shocked to see one at the mall, boy, how things change. The attached home store was very nice. I don't get out much anymore, so I was loving seeing these interesting pieces. The Mercury Glass Mushroom was my favorite thing in the store. I should have just splurged on the $39.99 for it. The golden stools were beautiful. Very mintage to me. I would love to have a couple of these flanking the fireplace, ready for someone to sit on. The Baroque Mirror was huge and lovely. I think it was glass, but it could of been Lucite. It was beautiful. They also had some hammocks. By the end of summer we would love to have a hammock in the backyard. We're still in the planning phase of where to put one. I require shade, the hammock requires a sturdy place to attach it. So, we're still working on that. Check their web site for more info at

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love your majic mushroom.

Anna N. Smith