Friday, February 18, 2011

Oh My: I'm getting stuff done

I had a stellar day in the getting stuff done department.
In no particular order, here's my day in photos:
Went to Home Depot and met with Dina the kitchen designer.  I finally picked a door style for the cabinets.  For resale purposes, we're going with a traditional Shaker style door. I can't wait for our quote from Dina to come in so I can see how many more months away we are from building this dream kitchen.
Rolled this baby over the floors.  Funny how vacuuming can make me feel better.

Dropped off an old laptop at the Household Hazard Materials Center and spied this working Harris Hawk scaring away our local seagulls.

Worked on my latest painting.  This brings me so much joy!

Started planning a trip here to celebrate our 14th wedding anniversary in a few weeks.
Sweated a lot in spin.  Put me in a great mood all day.
Finally put together the School Garden Planting Guide for the Spring.  Glad that's done, a huge weight has been lifted off me.

Dropped off clothes at the cleaners.
Borrowed stapler from our awesome neighbors, because our staple is broken.

Had FRO YO for dinner. 

Sold these in the shop, and mailed them to Seattle.

Went to the salon and got my bangs trimmed.  I really screwed up my bangs in November by cutting them myself and they finally just grew to long. I can see now.

1 comment:

dresses said...

If this is your daily routine I guess your a very busy person. I love personalized designs that's why I was amazed when you mentioned that you have your personal kitchen designer. That's cool!